Key Benefits

Reduced Freight Costs
We consistently save our clients 10-15% on their small parcel shipment costs. Our highly trained auditing team works day in and day out on all accounts to ensure maximum savings. The proof is in the pudding so try our free trial now to witness the savings.

Freight Management Reporting
Canyon Logistics provides detailed shipping reports that include:

  • Address Correction Report
  • Freight Audit Recovery Report
  • Overweight Package Report
Reduced Internal Expenses
Companies that internally audit their freight bills are wasting both precious time and money. Since accountants or shipping managers are not specialized in recovering this money, the savings are minimal. Canyon Logistics’ freight audit service not only allows the company to have their employees focus on other aspects of the business, but also recovers more money due to our specialty in the industry. Leave the auditing to the experts and have your employees focus on other avenues for company growth.

Claims Processing
We also process claims for lost or damaged shipments. Simply provide us with a copy of the invoice to the customer and we’ll process it right away! Similar to our normal freight audit service, we only get paid if there were any savings..