1. How much time is required for us to get started and what information is necessary?

Our process is very simple, quick, and straightforward. Very little time and effort is required on your behalf. All you need to do is sign and fill out a simple Non Disclosure Agreement and email/fax back to us. You will need to provide us with you online access to your online FedEx/UPS account as well. After that, you can sit back and relax and enjoy the savings!

2. How far back can you audit our bills?

Unfortunately FedEx and UPS only allow 15 days from the date of invoice to request credits. However we do our best to recover money as far back as 30 days from the date of invoice. Our main service is not so much retroactive but more for your future invoices.

3. What are some of the factors for receiving credits on our invoices?

The main factor that we take into account is the money back guarantee policy which states that if there was a service failure (shipment was late) then you are entitled to a full refund. Some other factors include weight discrepancy, incorrect service type, incorrect rate, etc. In total we take approximately 40 different factors for credit when we audit the bills.

4. How can I verify the credits?

Very simple. The invoice that we send you at the end of each month will state all the credits with the corresponding invoice and tracking numbers. You can simply log on to your online FedEx account to verify the credits.

5. Can you still audit our freight bills if we have a Money Back Guarantee Waiver in our contract?

Yes, but your savings will be reduced. We always discourage our clients in agreeing to a money back guarantee waiver in exchange for higher discounts with their carrier. This waiver basically states that any package that was late (service failure) doesn’t warrant a refund and that the money back guarantee policy has no affect. It is always worth it to keep the money back guarantee in place to maximize your savings. However if you do have the waiver, we can still reduce your costs because service failure are only one of forty other factors that we take into account.

6. Will my relationship with FedEx/UPS be jeopardized?

Absolutely not. On the contrary, as a result of our services, many of our clients actually receive a higher level of service from their carrier. Everything is stated in black and white in the shipping carrier’s policy guideline in terms of requesting credits. We aren’t doing anything discretely or “behind the back” when we audit these bills. If we knew from the beginning that this would have ANY negative impact on our client’s relationship, we would be out of business a long time ago.

7. Why can’t we just audit the bills ourselves?

You could, but using us will not only save you a lot of time but also more money. Since this is our specialty and our niche is with FedEx accounts, it makes sense that we would be more successful at recovering money. Your accountants are simply not qualified to perform a full analysis of freight bills and are likely to skip over many factors that warrant credit. In addition, you will free up your employees to perform other significant tasks for the company. Especially in these days of downsizing, they are most likely stretched thin and do not have the time and resources to spend on in-depth research. Why not turn this function over to the experts to ensure that you are not overpaying?

8. But we already get good discounts with our shipping carrier so why do I need you?

Great, except that we can save you even more money in addition to your current discounts. We typically save our clients 10-15% off their bills on top of their discounts. Since our goal is to maximize your savings, we can recover you hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month by simply auditing your invoices. Although we have a separate department that negotiates better discounts on your behalf, your current discount plan will remain unaffected by our freight auditing solution

9. Why can’t I just have our FedEx Account Executive take care of this for us?

Simply put, it’s not your account executive’s job to let you know every single time that something was wrong with your shipment and if you deserve credit or not. We have a specialized staff that go through these bills all day to maximize the money recovered. We are you representatives for reducing your costs and their job is simply to be there for you if you have any general questions on your account.

10. Is it really worth it for you to audit our bills if there probably isn’t much money to be saved?

Yes. Time and time again we have saved our clients a significant amount of money even in just the 1st month of auditing the bills. Since we are the experts at this, once we obtain access to your account we will determine if you qualify for the refunds and if it’s worthwhile for us to pursue. Since most companies are unaware of how much money they can really get back, they claim it’s not worth it for us to audit the bills. However, most often the opposite is true and we end up saving them a lot more than expected.

11. What if I don’t want to give you access to my online account?

Although our ideal method of auditing is gaining access to your online account, in the beginning you can send us at least 8-10 of your most recent invoices as a PDF file (within 15 days of the invoice date). Once our auditing department receives the files, you will get a call from one of our reps on our progress and how much we saved you so far. Keep in mind though, that we recover more money using our ideal method and it also saves you a lot of time from having to keep sending us invoices. This alternative is simply to prove to you the savings and is only temporary.

12. Is it safe providing you access to my online account?

Absolutely. The NDA that you sign and fill out explicitly states the confidentiality of any information you provide us and protects the security of the account. Only the right people have access to the information and we even have an entire department devoted to ensuring the security of the account. We obviously would have many lawsuits against us and wouldn’t be in business any longer if any of this information were to leave our offices.

13. What if we already use another 3rd  part to audit our bills?

Not a problem, at least you are aware of the savings. Just give us one month and do a simple savings comparison at the end of the month with our savings and your current freight auditor. We are very confident that our savings will be significantly higher because 1) FedEx is our niche and 2) We MANUALLY audit the bills in addition to using our specialized software

14. Why can’t we just do the contract negotiation ourselves?

You can, but since we are the experts at it, we are more likely to be successful at negotiating higher discounts. A part of our auditing department is specifically devoted to negotiating a contract that yields maximum savings for our client. Furthermore, Canyon Logistics employs a highly experienced staff who formerly worked for shipping carriers like FedEx and UPS.

15. How much does your auditing solution cost?

The best part about our service is that our billing is 100% contingency based. We only get paid based on what we save you. So if we don’t save you anything in a given month, you don’t pay a cent! .
